If You Could Zoom in on Your Life

If you
could take a photo of your life today and then zoom in on something special or
important which part of your life would you choose? Would it be something that
is causing you distress or something that is an exciting memory or a special
If your
still picture was a movie, what title would you give it? Would you like the
experience to continue or do you wish it had never happened? If you could
relive this part of your life again, would you? If not, why wouldn’t you?
our life as a movie or a photograph is a good way of examining our life and the
things in it we like and the things in it we would like to see changed. When we
give important life experiences a name, we can focus on the important events in
our life and especially on those ones that continue to influence us today.
you ever noticed when you take a wide angled shot of a scene you see a lot
of picture but very little detail and
when you zoom in on one part of the picture you miss out on the big picture,
though you get a very good view of one
part of the picture that really interests you?
often look at life like this. We look at the big picture and forget the details
that bring beauty and interest to our lives, or we focus on one thing and
forget the bigger picture. Either way, we risk losing our perspective if we
only look at life from one or the other perspective. We need both perspectives
to understand our life experiences and that is the purpose of giving a name to
the scene.
your photograph memory again and rethink the situation you were thinking of
earlier. How different does the picture look close up and how does it look at a
distance. If the picture is distressing, close up, try to zoom back and look at
the picture from a distance to give you a big picture perspective. Does it
change the picture at all?
when we focus on things in our life we feel distressed, but when we see it as
part of a bigger picture we can deal with it, even gain and learn something
important from it. Similarly, if we
focus only on our life from a distance we forget to appreciate the individual
and special things that make life unique for us.